about me:
Rachael Amen (that's me) is an artist/illustrator and nostalgist. She lives in Pennsylvania with her husband and 5 cats. She one day hopes to shepherd her own gang of mini-goats, as well as, a capybara named Dr. Bombay. Rachael is known for her detailed illustrations and line work. She spends her days searching for inspiration in nature and old books. She is a freckled redhead by design, a teacher and photographer by trade, and an artist by choice.
You can find out more about her at her shop, her blog, and her flickr page. Rachael also runs a vintage shop called Tigerluxe, where she celebrates nostalgia with select vintage goods, and has a blog devoted to her vintage book collection, Rad Library.
i get emails from time to time (which i happily receive) asking me questions. i thought i would compile some of these in a FAQ here...
-are you a librarian?
no i am not, i have a BSED in secondary english education and was a literature / education double major. now i am strictly an artist/illustrator and don't teach anymore.
-do you know how much my book is worth?
no i do not. i can give you a ballpark amount, but if you want to know the true value of your book (either to sell or for insurance purposes) you would need to contact your local antiquarian for an appraisal.
-do you sell the books you feature on Rad Library?
mostly, no. from time to time i will and will provide a link to the item in my vintage shop, but i will not promote the item or overtly state so. Rad Library is an expression of love and interest for me, not a vehicle to sell things.
-do i want to buy your book?
probably not, sorry. doesn't hurt to ask though.
-where do you find these books?
i am frequently searching book sales, thrift stores, garage sales, auctions and such for vintage books that catch my eye. occasionally i will visit an antique mall or book dealer, but rarely.
-will i locate a book for you?
i am currently thinking about starting a book locating service. i do keep an eye out for some folks, and if i run across the book they are looking for, will pick it up for them. i'm open to requests at this time, but can't promise anything.
-will you review my book, blog, website, etc...
if it's a book, maybe. otherwise, no.
-what camera do you use?
i use a canon digital rebel xti with a standard 58mm lens and occasionally a point and shoot sony cybershot.
-how long have you been collecting books?
i've been collecting books for about 25 years now.
-what are you looking for in a book?
that indescribable djinn. it has to attract my attention, and keep it. that's the only requirement.
-can i link to your blog?
by all means, please do!
Hy Rachel Im looking for a signed version of Three Billy Goats Gruff. Do you have any info you can share with me? please contact me at sandyawimbrow@gmail.com Thanks
hi! which version are you looking for?
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