bride of pendorric

funny bar book
alice schlesinger

i'm suzy by dorotha ruthstrom
BIG tell-a-tales, 1966, whitman publishing co, wisconsin
lithographed edition
illustrated by alice schlesinger
little boy blue: finger plays old and new by daphne hogstrom
a golden book, 1966, western publishing co., wisconsin
illustrated by alice schlesinger
the big book of favorite songs for children selected & arranged by dorothy berliner commins
nursery treasure books, 1951, grosset & dunlap, inc., new york
lithographed edition
illustrated by alice schlesinger
music drawn by margaret brewster

the big book of mother goose
nursey treasure books, 1976 printing, grosset & dunlap, new york
lithographed edition
illustrated by alice schlesinger
peter pauper press

chinese proverbs from olden times by harry behn (not credited - 1956)
comic epitaphs from the very best old graveyards gathered and published by peter pauper press and illustrated by henry r. martin (1957)
simple new england cookery compiled by edna beilenson (said wife) and illustrated by ruth mccrea (1962)
the japanese tea ceremony interpreted by julia v. nakamura and illustrated by shiba sumitani (1965)
on friendship: a selection edited by louise bachelder with illustrations by eric carle (1966)
the hunting of the snark and other nonsense verse by lewis carroll and illustrated by AW...i would love to know more about this illustrator, but i haven't had any luck figuring out what AW stands for...anyone have any info? (not dated)
i've written more about the press and my collection on my other blog here. and this is a fantastic set on flickr.
the big treasure book of fairy tales
this was a lucky find. it didn't look that exciting to me at first. i think the cover really doesn't do it justice. the missing dust jacket has a lot to do with that i'm sure. the cover has grown on me though. i do like the two tone printing on a colored background. this cover is brown and cream on turqoise.
when i flipped through i couldn't help but feel i had hit the jackpot. look at the blue cat. the illustrations are really something special. i immediately knew that the illustrator was art seiden. whose work i love.
unfortunately the book isn't in great condition. some of the pages are missing. it's another library discard (so prevalent at church book fairs.) this book originally belonged to alta vista school. i meant to photo the front inside cover, because the type is amazing as well. all of the book is lithographed.
arabian nights
i love this edition of arabian nights, the illustrations by mamoru funai are amazing. i've always loved sinbad. you know the patrick wayne sinbad, eye of the tiger and all that. there was a philadelphia premiere back in the day which i attended. patrick wayne was there, and it was wonderful, except i don't remember any of it except for what my parents have shared with me. although i must've seen this movie a million times. well, i digress. the book itself is a wonderful collection of (abridged) stories, including the aforementioned "the story of sinbad the sailor," as well as, "scheherazade" and more of the popular tales. not only did mamoru funai do a wonderful job illustrating this book, but i really feel that the illustrations capture the spirit of the stories remarkably well. the type on the cover is also
a dog came to school: a davy book
this is a wonderful book by lois lenski. one of the things that i like most about it, is that the only colors its printed with are blue and red. the illustrations are also really interesting.
this was an old library copy, and the stamps have been crossed out. it belonged to the new eagle library. there are also acid stains from glue used to attach the original dustcover, which is now lost. i have to say, i really don't mind these marks. it's all the history of the book, which is what i like to see.
i'm a fan of lois lenski, but i have to say that her children all look deranged. like in this illustration, i imagine they are going to eat that poor puppy. barbarella robot dollie style. chomp chomp :)
**hello things magazine readers!! thank you for visiting...and thank you things magazine for the kind mention.**
diminutive books (part 2 of 2)
enoch arden: and other poems, includes the interesting "lady of shalott" which was like porn for pre-raphaelites. it actually is a wonderful poem. what i love about this little book though is the red embossed leatherette cover, it's quite charming.
lancelot and elaine, is an excerpt from idylls of the king. this also has an embossed leatherette cover and is a redcroft edition. i'm not sure how that differentiates it from the latter though. the glue on both book's spines has long gone bad and yet these are wonderful books. i got them at this fantastic thrift store that thought old books weren't wanted. lucky me, i think i paid 2 dollars each. quite a steal i suppose.
diminutive books (part 1 of 2)

slowpoke at the circus by kay richardson
a tell-a-tale book, 1973, western publishing, wisconsin
illustrations by ruth ruhman

two stories about wags by betty biesterveld
a tell-a-tale book, 1960(?), western publishing, wisconsin
illustrated by dan and norma garris
**edit: i actually just realized that i have one more tell-a-tale book (a big one), but i'm saving it for a special post next week!**
peppermint and if i could be
lucky for me the family of 500 were more interested in contemporary hardback picture books. i was immediately drawn to poor little peppermint. she's cute, but i fell in love with the title font.

peppermint by dorothy grider
a whitman tell-a-tale book
illustrated by raymond burns
you can see the font more clearly on the endpaper. although on the cover the coloring is white with pale pink bubbles. i'm also quite smitten with the "illustrated by." overall this is a super cute book. it has a sort of surprise ending, which i won't give away here. i have other tell-a-tales books, and i find them all rather charming.

if i could be, author not credited
1953, whitman publishing, wisconsin
illustrated by lore e. winship (?)
interestingly, an earlier whitman title. this is a short paperback book. the boy on the cover reminds me of my brother a bit. i would've guessed this book was from the '40s were it not for the date. it's super cute! short and sweet.
good old holland and alpine wildflowers of rocky mountain national park
i love holland, my mother lives near maastricht. i have an aunt in amsterdam as well. i've been many times, although not for a long time. i always miss holland, and i am always looking for books about holland, preferably old travel books. that's how i found this gem. the letterpress cover is amazing!
the inside is really cute as well. it includes all sorts of short snippets of information about holland.
at the end there is a list of items exported from the netherlands...there are some interesting items listed, such as: electric household articles, medicines (incl. quinine), corduroy, pig iron, breeding cattle, phosphate fertilizers, and tin in blocks. a list definitely reminiscent of another time.

alpine wildflowers of rocky mountain national park by bettie e. willard and chester o. harris
i located this in the travel section as well. i plan on using this as a possible resource for my illustrations. that and the cover is really cute. pretty snazzy for a nature association i think!
ikebana of japan and japanese flower arrangement: ikebana

i remember as a kid being totally fascinated by ikebana. apparently 1969 was a big year for this art form (it carried into the '70s apparently.) both these books were published that year. most of all i value these treasures for their color photography. you just don't find color or photo styling like this anymore.