i love this book! any edition of a child's garden of verses is pretty magical...although i don't know many children who would be interested in the style of these poems these days. we are out there though! you know who you are. i was definitely one of those 'odd' children. i think these books are mostly appreciated for their aesthetic value. this one is particularly lovely. so very '20s. the endpapers are amazing! the illustrated borders are so whimsical and pleasing. all around a loved book (even if the cover is a bit blurry).
my husband and i were snickering at the title of this cute book...it's part of the noddy series, popular in great britain in the '50s. the illustrations by peter wienk and robert tyndall* are wonderful!
i normally steer away from these snippet collection type of books...this one was too charming to pass up! the endpapers alone were worth it...and it is rather uplifting. my favorite quote in the book?
"make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you." -ralph waldo emerson
this book is one in a series. the author has written other books such as, the story of live dolls and so on (* see list below). it's a lovely book...with beautiful and under-stated illustrations by virginia keep.
* the story of live dolls more about live dolls the doll that was lost and found the story of the lost doll the story of the three dolls the live dolls' house party the live dolls' busy days the live dolls' play days the april fool doll the secret of the live dolls the live dolls' party days the book of live dolls the live dolls' in fairyland the live dolls' in wonderland
if you look closely at the cover of this book, happy hours, you can see the dog is rolling in a cart of cheap cats' meat into the cats' section of town. it's always a scuffle between cats and dogs, no? this letterpress book is darling, the illustrations are magical.
i am a book lover and am happy to share my collection with you. please remember i am not the copyright holder of original images, texts or titles. credit will always be given when available, the original copyright holder retains all rights. i also do not allow my scans, photos or "other" to be copied, sorry. if you wish to link to an image or post, that is most appreciated with due credit. thank you! questions, comments, nods of approval? tigerluxe *AT gmail *DOT com
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