this is an aperture book from 1971. it's a book/exhibition catalog. aperture was the creation of minor white, ansel adams, dorothea lange and a few others. when i was in university, aperture was spoken of with a reverence usually reserved for holy books. i've come across old editions from time to time and they seem to be getting harder and harder to find. aperture does still publish some fantastic books and a magazine.
this book is a catalog of an exhibition titled, "light 7," or light to the 7th power, that was displayed at MIT's hayden gallery. the title is the them and some wonderful photographers are included: dorothy norman, lotte jacobi, eugene meatyard (one of my favorites), don worth, ansel adams and minor white. all of the photos are black and white and there is also some text and quotes included, which are really interesting. here light is used as metaphor, medium and philosophy rounding out the whole exhibition. wish i could've been there!
light7: an aperture book
photographs from an exhibition on a theme edited by minor white
1971, aperture, inc., new york
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