this is a lovely book full of classic poems such as the owl and the pussycat (also my favorite illustration of the entire book - see cover) by edward lear...and with amazing illustrations by gertrude elliot...a must for your library!
the big golden book of poetry: 85 childhood favorites edited by jane werner
special scott, foresman and co. edition, 1949, golden press
illustrated by gertrude elliot
fantastic, thanks!
you're most welcome :)
This was one of my favorite books when I was little, a gift from my aunt. I, too, LOVED the cover illustration, and all the others. "The Owl and the Pussycat" was my favorite, as well as "Mud" and "The Gingham Dog and the Calico Cat." (Or whatever the proper title to that is.) The book disintegrated many years ago from overuse, and for a long time I've been trying to recall the official title so that I could locate a copy for my own kids. I had sort of given up, but tonight was doing research for a blog post on poetry, and took one last stab at it. Thanks for posting this!
you're so welcome layinda...i'm glad you've rediscovered the title so you can share this treasure with your children!
I used to have this book and loved it! "Choosing Shoes" by Frida Wolfe was personal! I have large feet, so the "flat shoes, fat shoes, stump-along-like-that shoes" expressed my feelings exactly! I would sure love to have a copy of the book again, but I've seen asking prices far out of my price range!
Your collection is beautiful! I'm so glad I found your site. I was searching for Evaline Ness Illustrations--just recently discovered her work and happened upon your blog.
I write about children's books at are modern books, but a lot are vintage ones that I pick up at local used book stores.
thanks vanessa...i'll definitely check out your site!
I had this book as a child and loved it. I could not remember the exact name of it, but when I saw your pictures, I knew it was the right one. I do not know what happened to my original book, but I was lucky enough to find one in good condition on ebay. I am very happy to have another copy so I can share my favorite poems and the beautiful illustrations with my granddaughters. Thanks for posting this!
I remembered vaguely this book about thirty years ago. I started looking for it, without knowing it was a Golden Book, without remembering what was on the cover, and I even had some of the wrong poems attributed to it. But one day, as I was describing it a librarian plucked it off the shelf. She became my close friend!
Thanks for your post! I just found your blog through a search for this book. I had it as a child and, sadly, my sister got to keep it. I just found a very poor copy at a sale and bought it for 25 cents -- just to be able to look at it again.
I, too, love books and have been collecting them since I was a teen (specializing in children's illustrators). I'll be following from now on!
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