i've recently started thinking about books in small collections, and how a collection can be a story in itself. a small collection (or even a large collection) can speak mountains about a subject, interest, lifetime of experiences, aesthetic...i think even more so than a singular book may be able to.
here is
a small collection of three books, which i think fit well together.
within a budding grove, volume II of
remembrance of things past by
marcel proust1st modern library edition, 1930, the modern library, new york
translated by c.k. scott moncrieff
the shorn lamb by
william j. locke1st american edition, 1930, dodd, mead and company, new york
~this book has the most wonderful silkscreened endpapers and the design overall is magnificent.
short stories of w. somerset maugham1934, nelson doubleday, inc., new york