junior deluxe editions are those special gems that i run across from time to time while searching for books...these three are no exception. in this collection i've included little women, tales from shakespeare and through the looking-glass. which reminds me, tales from shakespeare is edited and compiled by charles and mary lamb...did you know that mary lamb murdered her mother? how odd (not to mention that some think lewis carroll was a pedophile)...and it's illustrated by leonard weisgard, who i've posted in the past.
another author who murdered is anne perry, who helped her friend murder her mother. just an
there's a junior deluxe edition flickr group too...right here.
tales from shakespeare by charles and mary lamb
1955, nelson doubleday
illustrated by leonard weisgard
through the looking-glass: and what alice found there by lewis carroll
c. 1955 (not dated), nelson doubleday
illustrated by john tenniel
little women by louisa may alcott
1950, nelson doubleday
illustrated by reisie lonette
These were sold through their book club in the 50s and 60s. Every month you'd have the option of skipping one so long, as I believe, you bought a certain number per year. Each volume came with a bookmark advertising the next book in the series.